Інтернет-видання «Дніпро.Головне»

Извержение вулкана Ньирагонго в Демократической Республике Конго стало причиной бегства тысяч людей

Carsten Peters Amazing Volcano...PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A MANDATORY BYLINE ON THESE IMAGES: PIC FROM CARSTEN PETER / NAT GEO STOCK / CATERS - (Pictured A fiery new cone on Mount Etna upstages Sicilys night sky in 2002.) These are the incredible images taken by a brave photographer who endures temperatures of over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit - to get as close as possible to the worlds most dangerous volcanoes. Carsten Peter, 53 stood just inches away from the fiery mouths of active volcanoes Mount Etna and Nyiragongo to capture these sizzling shots. The daring photographer captured the images while joining scientists on research expeditions at the volcanoes in Italy and the Democratic Republic of Congo. And despite being on the edge of the worlds largest lava lake at Nyiragongo and witnessing fountains of lava on Etna darting up to several hundred metres in the air- Carsten achieved stunning results. SEE CATERS COPY. FOR SALE ONLY IN: UK, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech and Slovak Republic, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, UAE, Brazil, Serbia, Bulgaria Lithuania, Romania, Estonia.

ДР Конго: тысячи людей бежали в Руанду из-за извержения вулкана …
Вулкан до активного извержения